Best of Shareware
Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso
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SKYGLOBE 3.5 ORDER FORM September 15, 1992
Please use this form to register your copy of SkyGlobe 3.5!
Registration provides you with the following benefits:
1) A copy of the newest version of SkyGlobe, customized with
your Home Town as the default city.
2) A professionally printed SkyGlobe manual.
3) A Handy one page Reference Card.
4) A SkyGlobe-like Windows screensaver.
5) A SkyGlobe-like display of our nearest 3800 neighbor stars.
6) Automatic notification of new releases and other products,
with discounts on updated versions.
Shipping Address: Name:................................................
City, ST, ZIP........................................
Home Town(s):
(Up to three supported) ...............................................
Circle Disk Type: 3.5DD 5.25DD 5 25HD
(720K) (360K) (1.2M)
Circle Default Video Mode: VGA or EGA or CGA or Hercules
We also have a 2MB selection of SVGA planetary and DSO .PCX images available
for $10.00 on EITHER >> 1.2M 5.25HD << OR >> 720K 3.5DD << disks.
Registration $20.00 Mail to: EMail:
International S&H ($5) ...... KlassM SoftWare CompuServe
284 142nd AVE 75020,1431
SVGA Images ($10) ...... Caledonia MI 49316
In USA or Canada, No support
MI, USA add 4% ...... Call 1 800 968-4994 calls to
for orders only. 800# please!
Total ......
Please make direct order checks payable to KlassM SoftWare.
INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS: See page two for the names of our overseas agents.
For your convenience, I now accept VISA/MasterCard:
Card #__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Date of Authorization:___________ Amount:__________ Expiration:______
Thanks, and I hope you enjoy SkyGlobe!
International customers may order directly from KlassM SoftWare by using the
preceding page of the order form. Please pay $20.00, plus $5.00 for airmail
shipping. Payment can be in the form of a VISA/MasterCard authorization, or
a US$ dollar check from a US bank.
For your convenience, you may prefer to order from one of our agents in
either Europe or Australia.
For European registrations, please contact:
The Thompson Partnership
Church Croft,
ST14 5DE
Fully inclusive price for registration is 15.99 pounds.
Telephone +44 (0)889 564601
Fax +44 (0)889 563219
CompuServe 70007,5560
Payment by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club
Credit Cards, Cheque, Money Order or EuroCheck (with card
number on reverse)
To order through Australia, please contact: International
| |
Budgetware Phone (02) 519-4233 +61 2 5194233
PO BOX 496 Fax (02) 516-4236 +61 2 5164236
Newtown NSW 2042
Fully inclusive price for registration is $35.00 Australian dollars.
Payment may be made by check, money order, or VISA/MasterCard.
Just as a reminder, here are the benefits of registration:
1) A copy of the newest version of SkyGlobe, customized with
your Home Town as the default city.
2) A professionally printed SkyGlobe manual.
3) A Handy one page Reference Card.
4) A SkyGlobe-like Windows screensaver.
5) A SkyGlobe-like display of our nearest 3800 neighbor stars.
6) Automatic notification of new releases and other products,
with discounts on updated versions.
Thank you for supporting Shareware and SkyGlobe! Peace and Clear Skies!